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Spigot 1.20

Our Spigot library simplifies the process of creating Minecraft plugins, providing a comprehensive suite of tools and features, improving the development process of Minecraft plugins.

Key Features

Command ManagementSimplifies the creation and handling of commands.
Event ManagementStreamlines the setup and management of events.
Advanced Dependency HandlingEfficiently manages plugin dependencies.
Item BuilderProvides and intuitive tool for creating and customizing items.
Enhanced ConfigurationImproves YAML configuration handling.
Persistent DataOffers a convenient wrapper for managing PersistentData.


@Command(name = "greet", permission = "myplugin.greet", sender = SenderType.PLAYER)
public class GreetCommand extends SimpleCommand {

  public String execute(Context context) {
    Player player = context.getPlayer();
    return "Hello " + player.getName() + "!";
public class FloodgateHook extends SimpleHook {
  private FloodgateApi api;

  public void init() {
    this.api = FloodgateApi.getInstance();

  public boolean isBedrockPlayer(UUID uuid) {
    return api.isFloodgatePlayer(uuid);